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Event Staffing
Have you ever felt stressed after hosting friends and family? This is why we created Sip And Vibe SLC Staffing. Our team comes in and helps where you need it. Maybe you want to make sure there is always ice at the bar or wine opened, perhaps you want someone to take coats , take out trash, clear plates or fill the dishwasher.
Event Staffing Services
Servers are $45/Hour.
Our servers are ideal for tray passing food /drinks, cleaning up after guests, bussing glassware, and pouring wine/champagne/water for guests at tables. We usually charge for (at least) one hour of setup and half an hour of breakdown. Servers have a 2 hour minimum, which does include the setup & breakdown time.
Event Security
General Security Guard:
Price: $75 per hour
VIP Security Detail:
Price: $125 per hour
Crowd Control Specialist:
Price: $65 per hour
Emergency Response Team:
Price: $85 per hour
Bussers are $35/Hour.
Our bussers can be hired to buss glassware and clear trash during a party. We usually charge for (at least) one hour of setup and half an hour of breakdown. Bussers have a 2 hour minimum, which does include the setup & breakdown time.
Hosts are $25/Hour.
A Host can be hired to direct your guests towards the event and deliver any instructions you may have for your them. They can also manage a coat room, facilitate check-ins, direct vehicles towards nearby parking lots, and are just there to elevate the experience of your guests. They may periodically help buss tables if the other staff needs it, but they are not required to. Hosts have a 2 hour minimum.