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Zest Up Your Event With Our Twisted Lemonade Stand!

Our twisted lemonade bar is a beautiful, refreshing add-on to any celebration!
We can customize flavors too, add mint or basil to really impress your guests!
$7.50 Per Person - 1 Hours of service
$9.00 Per Person - 2 Hours of service
$10.50 Per Person - 3 Hours of service
$12.00 Per Person - 4 Hours of service
What’s Included
Stand Attendant
Your choice of 4 lemonade flavors:
Strawberry - Raspberry - Peach - Pineapple - Watermelon
Fresh sliced fruit garnish
Cups, napkins and straws
Table and black tablecloth (or set up your own)
Twisted Lemonade Bar menu
Unlimited refills
Enhance your lemonade stand with a variety of garnishes to add flavor, aroma, and visual appeal to your beverages.
​Here's a list of garnishes you can offer
Lemon - Lime - Orange - Fresh Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries) - Kiwi - Watermelon - Pineapple - Peach - Mango - Fresh Mint - Fresh Basil - Fresh Rosemary - Edible Flowers - Cucumber - Jalapeño - Grated Ginger - Grated Nutmeg - Cinnamon Sticks - Coconut Flakes - Honey Sticks or Honey Drizzles - Agave Nectar Drizzle
Rimming Sugars or Salts - Maraschino Cherries - Fresh Fruit Skewers - Fruit Zests - Rock Candy Sticks (for a sweet, crystalline touch) - Whipped Cream - Chocolate Shavings or Cocoa Powder - Pomegranate Arils - Pear Slices - Grilled Pineapple Wedges (for a smoky flavor) - Fruit Sorbet Scoops (e.g., raspberry or lemon sorbet) - Candied Ginger